Sunday, January 21, 2007

I haven´t rode on a bus this much since....

NEVER! I always walked to school, and I think this trip has doubled the amount of accumulated time I have spent one a bus in my whole life. But, I think like walking to school from all this experience. So, I hope you enjoy the account:

11 AM...we finally left (on Chilean time 45 minutes late)

3 PM...I wish that nap was as long as it felt...and hour doesn´t make the time pass fast enough.

4 PM...the overwhelming stench of urine from sitting too close the the baño is overtaken by Doss´ lovely feet (yes I love you too Doss) or the the hourly spurts of fresh air. So, I´ve resorted to reading or falling asleep watching small children be adorable and get more sleep than me...why can´t I sleep like that.

5 PM...stop in some unknown city for a breath of hot air

7:30 PM...visit from the cute kid a few rows down the aisle...Gina is still looking for a Chilean bébe to kidnap...just kidding (Oh yeah, we forgot to kidnap Juan...oh well, maybe next time! And check out Doss´ video of the Juan dance, just scroll down and check out his cute little face!)

9:30 PM...still no food served since 12 hours ago on this trip and the bus attendant keeps closing the windows to hell...I hope there are windows in hell!

11:30...alright I´m lying about what time it is because I don´t know and I don´t care, I am just sore from not sleeping. Oh, and if I didn´t have a butt before...its flat from sitting on it all day.

4 AM...yes I know what time it is now, because we were scheduled to be there by now...but good news, there is a flat soda and a tiny sandwich thrown in my lap while I slept...great breakfast.

6:30 AM...ah we´re off the bus! Now this is the part where you don´t have to feel sorry for us (but I thought you might enjoy the picture of our pain) because we bought tickets for a bus to Valparaiso in a half an hour...its where we´ve been wanting to go...bring on he beach!

9 AM...part of the appeal of the bus ride was that it was only an hour and a we´re here and after a taxi ride, 3 expensive hostels and walking to two more...

10 AM...we´re here @ Hostal Pilcomayo where it is all we needed, a place to stretch out! Maybe a shower later, but most likely the beach...and no more BUSES!

Thanks for to you again soon

Love, Jake <><


Peter Milliron said...

20+ hours on a bus! What's to complain about? Have fun at the beach, dude!

Anonymous said...

I "haven't rode" on a bus...?!?!? Wow, Dude, you need to come back to the states & practice up on your English!!! Sheesh!
So excited that you're back to civilization (done with that horrid bus trip is more like it!) and on your way home!!! :o)
Juan's "belly dance" was priceless...LOL!!! I don't know if it was the dance or the giggle... :o)
Can't wait to hear more stories (you don't misspell words or leave them out when you'll be easier to get the gist of your stories in person) you never thought you'd hear a family member say that, did ya??? Well, your storytelling has improved drastically since you were 12...
Love you...see you Friday whenever you land...
Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxox....

Mr. Milliron said...

Thanks for the feedback on my storytelling (is there a hyphen in that word...did I spell hyphen right?) Now you got me nervous. I´m working with a retarded Spanish keyboard and so every once in a while, I wind up with a accent mark in an english word and forget to read over to see if it even made sense. Glad you enjoyed Juan...his presence is just hilarious!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!